Expressive Photography

Look! I've co-authored another book. It's always been such a thrill to be a part of Shutter Sisters - and now more than ever. We've all contributed to a photography book called Expressive Photography: A Guide to Shooting from the Heart. Here's how Tracey, founder of Shutter Sisters, describes it:

There are stories, tons of images and some excerpts from the blog but also details of the technicalities of photography; settings, composition, light, and editing, which takes it to a level that goes beyond a coffee table book and makes it a photography guide book as well. But, like Shutter Sisters, it has a very female approach...

It's coming out in October 2010 and is now available for pre-order. I wrote and curated the 'nature' chapter, and my images appear in various other chapters throughout -- which include kids, portraiture, documentary, and many more.

Seeing my name on the front cover is a trip. I loved collaborating on this project -- it made me consider the meditation of being among green things, and the rituals and techniques taught to me by so many mentors (and trials, and errors).

Do you have questions about photography? About gear, your camera, conditions, tricks, processing, inspiration? I'd love to do a Q&A series here on the photoblog. Comment here with a question or two (or three) about photography for a chance to win any 9x14 print of your choice from my fine art collection, with a nod to the artistry of the printmakers at Atlantic Photo Supply.

I'll choose the winner at random at noon AST on Thursday, June 10. Shoot!


Congratulations to M, the fifth commenter and winner of the fine art print. And thanks so much to everyone for such great questions -- I'm on it! I may collaborate with a few photographer friends on a few, because I think that would be cool. And because I like sharing my photography friends. They're good to know.