3.. 2.. 1.. book launch!
With thanks to all the creative minds at Nimbus Publishing, we've just gotten confirmation today that the launch party for If I Were A Zombie will take place on Saturday, May 21st from 2-4 PM at the world-admired, sparkling-new Halifax Central Library, one of few public institutions that's totally down with en masse growling.
We've booked the light-infused, runaround-friendly Paul O'Regan Hall, and there will be a wealth of joyful mess, play, and yummy things for all. We'll have a certifiable free-for-all tickle trunk! A gross-out makeup station! Either a monster limbo or monster breakdance contest! Yet to be determined. Prizes! Fun! Healthy goblin eyeball snacks!
In the coming weeks we'll share many more details but for now, mark your calendars and your telephone-calendars, and plan to bring all your favourite little beasts! Buy your book, and get it signed!
If I Were A Zombie Book Launch
Saturday, May 21, 2016, 2-4 PM
Paul O'Regan Hall, Halifax Central Library
The next generation of book stamps are all set—a ritual that grown-ups love even more than kids. Since the pirate novel days, I scribble my name and then KA-THUNK! It's official. This time, we've got three different stamps—which one will you get? The zombie, the alien, or the sea monster? The promise, either way: monster sass. Lots and lots of monster sass. It'll be the rule of the day.