TD Book Week
How can I report on my Ontario TD Book Week tour without telling you all about my abdominal swamp thing that exploded all over Hamilton?
Unexpected hospitalizations have a way of obstructing zombie and goblin jumparounds. But the show must go on, right? I had hundreds of kids awaiting me in libraries all over southern Ontario, and a mere abdominal surgery wasn't going to keep me from the fun. The lovely folks at the Canadian Children's Book Centre organized it all brilliantly, and post-hospital, they leapt into action to shuffle things around so I could get back to it and make the most of a fantastic week. Hiccups aside, TD Book Week was a terrific, well-oiled machine of a tour. School after school, libraries, a children's museum, hundreds of faces: positively magically healing stuff.
It's such a big deal to hear kids laugh at your stories, and shout at you in unison to give 'em anudder. If you're an author who's got a kids' book of any genre coming out between now and next spring, apply now for TD Book Week 2018! You might get sent to Newfoundland or Nunavut. If you're a parent, tell your school all about it and sign up for readings! This is something that TD Bank has done for 40 years, working in partnership with the CCBC, and it's a meaningful and excellent program. Get some! Give some!