Workshop participants gave so many gifts that day. To themselves, each other, and the people who landed in these woods. We had so much fun, all of us so invigorated to create images together and in parallel. I rang the bell: BONG! Go grab a soul.
Read MoreWomen come to the Serendipity retreat from all over, from Californian ranches to the Texan panhandle. They bring everything with them. Duffel bags full of ideas and grief and husbands and sons and daughters and love affairs and crippling doubts. They bring journals and paint and everybody eats too much.
Read MoreIt was some kind of emotional bomb that went off, this constant state of disbelief and grateful overwhelm. How is it possible that a weekend this special happens at this little house—this crooked, paint-peeled, lost and abandoned place that I found when I felt just the same—how can it be mine, any of it?
Read MoreI start off heavy, with a cast-iron pot of the required stuff of aperture and directional light and focusing modes. I begin as a school marm, a hardass, because inspiration is rootless without the language to self-diagnose. Then we play.
Read MoreThe first SHED workshop was teaching, cheering, running around shooting assignments and creative prompts at the beach and the public wharf. It was a bunked-in, slipper-wearing, sunshiney bunch of people meant to be together.
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